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My Digital Farmer | Marketing Strategies for Farmers

Jun 5, 2024

This episode is PART TWO of a series all about "ways to use coupon codes in your online store."

If you have an online store, these are a great way to entice your customers to come on over and buy. I also love that i can run a report of my coupon codes and see how they performed. This gives me the ability to TAG clients...

May 29, 2024

COUPON CODES!!  Are you using them?

If you have an online store, these are a great way to entice your customers to come on over and buy. They're also a great way to turn prospects into buyers. 

I recently heard from Local Line (my ecommerce platform) that they would adding coupon codes as a basic feature at the end of...

Mar 1, 2023

This winter, I decided I wanted to learn how to speak Spanish. I subscribed to the language app called Duolingo, and every day, I get a new lesson that builds on the last. They started with the basics like "how to say hello." Then I learned how to introduce myself to someone and tell them where I was from. Now I'm...

Feb 15, 2023

Do you struggle with asking people to buy your product because you're afraid of coming off as too sales-y?

If so, you are not alone. I used to have it really bad. I worried about getting the "no." I would make it mean something really negative about ME in my head. "I'm not good enough. No one will buy this. You're an...

Feb 8, 2023

Have you ever wanted to build your own butcher shop in your local area -- to vertically integrate your business and stop the meat processing bottlenecks? Liz Brownlee of Nightfall Farm did. But she wasn't sure if it was financially viable. So what did she do?

She wrote a SARE grant for a feasibility study, got the...